With home in mind

Remake is all about breathing new life into used homeware objects. Featuring original, individually crafted artwork that sheds a different light on forgotten paraphernalia inside vintage kitchen cabinets, Remake’s range of products is both strikingly unique and wonderfully bizarre.


Combining different porcelain designs and styles adds creativity to your home.
Check out all the combinations and shop from the comfort of your home.


All Remake clothing is with a strong statement while being chic, comfortable, and fashionable.

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We love what we do...

...and we do what we love!

Antea Arizanovic
Antea Arizanović


Jovana Bozovic
Jovana Božović


The Remake brand was created in 2009 on the initiative of two artists, painter Antea Arizanović Mutaović and costume designer Jovana Božović. At the very beginning, they sold their designs in select concept stores in Serbia, Slovenia, and Croatia and very quickly opened their own shops in Split and Belgrade. Since 2021, the Remake duo is creating their art in the art studio in Gundulicev Venac, where the porcelain is carefully collected, recycled, painted, packaged, and sent. Read more…

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They said about us

U ovoj epizodi Originalnog glasa pričamo sa dve preduzetnice koje su osnovale brend Remake Home. Slikarka Antea Arizanović i kostimografkinja Jovana Božović odlučile su da udahnu novi život antikvitetnim stvarima za kuću, tako što će im dodati mladalački vajb u vidu slika, nalepnica, crteža, gde god ih mašta odvede. Na taj način, one fuzijom raznih stilova potpuno menjaju trivijalne objekte, pretvarajući ih u mala umetnička dela.

Jelena Đoković

They said about us

Svaka nova kolekcija ovog brenda, doslovno nas izuje iz cipela. Jednostavan i precizan svaki detalj na ovom porculanu ima svoje mjesto, a onda zajedno s ostatkom cjeline čini priču koju je teško ponovo prepričati. Bilo da želite u svojoj kolekciji imati predmet inspiriran tradicijom ili pak unijeti moderan minimalistički štih, na njihovom Instagramu uvijek ćete pronaći nešto za sebe.

Ana- Marija Topolcic

They said about us

Anyone who has ever stopped by the Remake store must have felt the sincere children's delight when looking at the interior. This small boutique is painted in turquoise and then decorated with large white polka dots. Remake products are arranged all around and with large wooden letters, the boutique gives the impression of a magical treasury.

Jelena Karakaš

They said about us

Remake Home is already a well-known concept, and their action is an unavoidable address for fans of interesting details. Regardless of the success, Jovana Božović and Antea Arizanović never rest and from season to season experiment with new forms and ideas, while dishes always remain the foundation of their work.

Jelena Karakaš

They said about us

Remake never chased trends, they simply let them catch up. Given that they put in the same stylistic plane fashion and details for the house, it is not surprising that this elegant constant of retro inspiration flows.

Ivan Radojčić

Handmade with love


Gundulićev Venac 24,
11 000 Belgrade Serbia

Tel +381640309209
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